Mother’s Day 2019

I’m not gonna lie…I’m kinda lucky. I’m sitting in a hot tub at a hotel. My boyfriend surprised me with a night at a hotel by myself. Time alone…away from everything and everybody! I guess you can say it’s an annual thing being that he did the same thing last year, at a different hotel.

He knows I need “me” time. He’s smart. I love my daughter more than life itself but it’s necessary that I take time for myself every once in awhile. I’m very fortunate that I’m with someone who understands that. Thank you to that special someone 😊

Years ago I would have dreaded being by myself. These days, I love my own company. I drove to the hotel straight from school. Checked in and did some work. School work that is but don’t worry, I actually enjoy it and find it therapeutic to plan lessons. I then had myself a drink while I enjoyed dinner alone at the bar. The bartender was quite friendly and I think she enjoyed my company. She asked why I was in town and I told her my story. She told me she never had anyone that would do that for her. I’m lucky. We spoke briefly and she filled my wine up to help me “relax” upstairs. After some more work, I headed to the spa. Relaxation bliss.

It’s 7:55. Not sure what to do next. More work? Tv? Bed? I love just enjoying the moment. Much of my 20’s I wasn’t able to do this. Today is a good day. 🙂