Summer Bummer

If I told you this summer sucked would you believe me? If I told you I’ve looked at my children and still felt like dying would you believe me? They say depression lies and time heals. We shall see. I’m ready for Fall. F this summer.

I’m doing it!!!

I’m cruising!!! It’s been 18 years since I’ve stepped foot on a ship. I’m here baby and I’m rockin the boat! Ok, I need to chill because it’s only night one. Wish me luck 🙂

Stuck in Limbo

Life. Limbo. How do I survive? My biggest fear is I won’t make it. This disease will take me. I know I can’t let that happen but how can you be sure you won’t let it take over. What’s the point? Is there an end? Is there a winner? Is there a point where it’s all worth it? I’ll just roll with the punches for now. My children help me out one foot in front of the other. I smile watching them and for now they’re worth it 🙂